Welcome, Hourly to Exit Listeners

Since you are here you must have listened to my interview on Hourly to Exit with Erin Austin. I hope you had as much fun listening to us as I did talking with Erin. She’s a great host with an amazing way of zeroing in on the stories that will help you get ahead on your business journey as a strategic lawyer and consultant.

Sarah Greener – Author of The Off Switch, Creator of The Power Hour™ and The Success Map

Sarah Greener – Author of The Off Switch, Creator of The Power Hour™ and The Success Map™

Building your own small business is, at its core, a journey you take as a business owner – one where you spend a lot of time finding comfort in your own discomfort, backing yourself alone, and learning as you go. One of the fundamental challenges I found on this journey was understanding my value and more importantly my time’s value. Moving from it’s cheaper to do it myself to valuing my time in a bigger way was a key shift I had to make in my identity to get myself to the next level. How I spent my time connected to the business owner I wanted to be.

Business ownership is leveraging your resources to create an income. The only finite resource you have is your time. Fundamentally how you spend that resource will decide how successful you are at business and if your business will support the life you want, rather than become your entire life.

  • Decide how you want your life to look in the future.
  • Design the business that will support that life.
  • Invest time every day in building that life and business.
  • Be delighted when your ideal life and business show up

It’s not magic though. If you don’t design it you will end up with life and business by default. We use a system that puts the business owner first. Figuring out what success looks like for you and building a business around that is key. We start with you, who do you want to be as a business owner? We figure out what matters most to you and then we tweak your business to support that through systems and your team. Along the way, you get a whole lot of time back using The Power Hour™ to use your time effectively. Your business starts operating the way you imagined it via The Success Map™ to build out simple systems anyone can follow. And all of a sudden you have weekends and evenings back to spend with the people you love.

One thing is for sure, today is going to disappear and at the end of the day, there are no refunds on time. So if you are ready to step into a business that improves your life, rather than is your life, the complimentary resources below are for you.